
Planning Photo and Video Missions for UAVs

When wanting to conduct a drone flight or mapping mission over a precise area of interest, one needs to plan the flight and path beforehand. This ensures that the entire area is covered completely and removes any visual errors or barriers that might occur during field work. Further, prefixing flight settings allows for more consistent data collection as compared to manual flights on the go.

We use a combination of two softwares for planning flights.The first among them is FlyLitchi Mission Hub (FMH) and the second is QGIS. The two can also be used in conjunction with one another. The process using both these softwares is described in this blog.

Using FlyLitchi:

FMH is a web app that enables us to plan drone flights from the desktop and later execute them using the android based Litchi app - Litchi for DJI drones which is available for a one time purchase in Google Play Store. 

The FlyLitchi mission hub interface has many flights that are publicly available for viewing on the desktop app as shown in Fig 1. We can also share our flight paths and drone videos to this application.

Fig. 01: FlyLitchi mission hub interface.

Login and Register: 

FMH is a free desktop application. One needs to register in order to create, upload and save the flight missions. To do this, click the ‘Log in’ button on the top right of the interface and create your account.

Set your area of interest:

a. Search for your Area Of Interest (AOI) in the search bar which is at the top left of the interface.

b. Click around the AOI to create way points to set the route of the mission.

Fig. 02: Way Point settings

c. Click around the AOI to create way points to set the route of the mission.

d. This mission can be stored by clicking on the MISSIONS option - bottom left and then clicking Save.

Way Point Settings:

I. Lat-Long: The location of the point is automatically logged as soon as you create a point.

II. Altitude (m): One needs to set the altitude of the drone above ground for all the points. In India, the legal limit as per the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is 120m. 

There is an ‘Above Current’ option under ‘Altitude settings’ available when you are batch editing the way point attributes. The “Above Current” option in FMH allows you to add a specific altitude to the current altitude of selected waypoints. It’s a convenient way to elevate all waypoints by a set distance without adjusting each one separately.

III. Speed (m/s): One can set the speed depending on the purpose of the mission. Max speed is 15m/s.

In a video mission like this, the speed can be set between 10m/s to 15m/s.

Pro tip: If you’re designing a mission to create an orthomosaic, keep the maximum speed below 8m/s to avoid distortion.

IV. Curve (m): If the curve is 0m then the drone will exactly fly to each point and then head to the next. If the purpose of the mission does not necessitate going to the exact location (esp. Turning Points) of the points, the drone will follow a curved path (blue line in Fig: 2) near the point (curve > 0m).

Fig. 03: Curve at the turns 

V. Heading: This is a circular (turn right - turn left) movement of the drone at a point location. It ranges from 0 to 360°. This controls which direction the drone is pointing. It is marked by a triangle-like marker on each way point. 

VI. POI: One can set one or multiple Points of Interest (POI) in FMH. The drone automatically points to the POI if set to do so. Here you can select which POI the drone should focus on if there are multiple POIs.

VII. Gimbal Pitch: This is like the angle defining the up-down movement of the camera. One can choose between 30 to -90°, where -90° points straight down. 

If you have chosen to Focus on a POI, then the drone automatically recalibrates its gimbal pitch to capture the POI throughout its mission. Alternatively, by picking the ‘Interpolate’ option, you can set a constant pitch angle which will be consistently maintained through the mission.

VIII. Intervals and actions: One can add some actions at each waypoint like Start/ Stop recording, Click a picture, Stay/ Hover etc. This option allows to set an action and the duration of the action if applicable.

Fig. 04: Way Point settings and Mission settings.

Mission settings: 

I. Units: One can choose the unit of measurement here.

II. Map Type: One can choose the base map upon which the flight missions appear. 

III. Heading Mode: The direction that the drone faces is set by this.

A. Auto: The drone faces the next way point.

B. Initial: The heading of the first way point is fixed for all.

C. Manual: Heading can be fixed during the flight. 

D. Custom: You can set the heading for each way point in FlyLitchi.

IV. Finish Action: At the end of the automated flight, the drone follows this action. 

A. RTH: Return to home - flies back to the drone launch point.

B. Land: It will land at the end of the mission.

C. Back to Start: The drone returns to the start of the mission.  

D. Reverse: It comes back the same path as the mission. 

V. Path Mode: The curve setting in way point settings is overridden by this path mode. If path mode is set to ‘Straight line’ then the flight path cannot have curved turns. If ‘Curved path’ is selected, one can set the curves at the points. 

VI. Cruising Speed and Max Flight Speed (m/s): The speed can be set here. 

VII. Default Curve Size (%): If path mode = ‘Curved turns’, then the new points that you add to the flight path will have the default curve size % that you specify. Default curve size will not work if the Path mode is set to ‘Straight Lines’.

VIII. Default Gimbal Pitch Mode: Same as way point settings but ‘MISSIONS’ settings override the way point settings.

Note: Mission settings override the way point settings.

Using QGIS to aid flight planning:

The boundary of the video mission can also be created in QGIS: This method is useful when the area of interest may not be obviously distinguishable in a satellite image. For example, if one owns a parcel of land, the boundaries need to be incorporated precisely and cannot be determined accurately through an image.

Here one has two options:

a. Load a boundary file of the AOI that you may already have.

b.  Create a shapefile layer from the Layer menu.

If you already have a shapefile for your area of interest-load it into QGIS and export it as a .kml file. This is because the FMH only processes .kmls and .csvs at present. The process for importing the .kml into FMH is described towards the end of the blog.

If you don’t already have a shapefile, you can create one using the following steps:

a. Go to Layer> create Layer and select New Shapefile Layer

Fig. 05: Creating a shapefile in QGIS.

b. Choose the name, source folder and projection to save your file.

Fig. 06: Creating a line shapefile.

c.  Now right click on the layer and select toggle editing. Then click on the Add line feature. You can now create a feature by digitising this boundary. 

Fig. 07: Digitising a line shapefile.

d. Export this line file to a .kml file. 

e. Import the .kml file to FMH using the ‘import’ option from the MISSIONS tab on the bottom left of the screen. 

Fig. 08: Import kml to FMH

f. Check and edit settings of each way point as mentioned in the previous section. 

Thus FlyLitchi and QGIS can be used to create video missions. The planned flights saved in FMH can then be executed using Litchi for DJI drones android app. The videos from the drone are recorded as .mp4 files.

The next step in our workflow would be processing these videos to sync them with telemetry data. More information on this process can be found on our blog on using Dashware.

Identifying Forest Fire Scars with GEE

In March 2023, the serene forests of Goa experienced forest fires at an alarming scale. While there are many theories regarding the cause of the fires, mapping is helpful to know the scale of the fires and understand the extent of the damage. The sites identified at this stage are also helpful to monitor recovery and possible spread of invasive species in the aftermath of fires. This can aid in efforts to restore and maintain forest health.

In this blogpost, we look at the use of Google Earth Engine (GEE) to locate burn scars and hence identify areas affected by fires. I’ll be outlining the steps taken and sharing the relevant code for each stage of the analysis.

Importing Satellite Imagery

function maskS2clouds(image) {
  var qa ='QA60');

  // Bits 10 and 11 are clouds and cirrus, respectively.
  var cloudBitMask = 1 << 10;
  var cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11;

  // Both flags should be set to zero, indicating clear conditions.
  var mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0)

  return image.updateMask(mask).divide(10000);

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR_HARMONIZED')
                  .filterDate('2023-02-01', '2023-03-31')
                  // Pre-filter to get less cloudy granules.

To begin, I implemented the ‘maskS2clouds’ function to filter out cirrus and cloudy pixels. This function uses the QA60 bitmask band of Sentinel imagery to create a mask that identifies cloudless pixels suitable for further processing. This process is applied across the entire image collection dataset.

Creating a burn scar map, necessitates pre-fire and post-fire images, for an estimation of the scarred area. For this purpose, I selected appropriate images of post and pre-fire scenarios from the image collection. I wrote the below code to be able to display all the images date wise in the image collection to the map view.

Display All Images

//Add date attribute to all images to display the images and select the required //
dataset ={
  var str = ee.String(image.get('system:index'))
  var sdate = str.slice(0,8)
  //var sdate = ee.Date(image.get('system:time_start'));
  image = ee.Image(image).set('date',sdate)
  return image;

print(dataset, 'with date')
var listOfImages = dataset.toList(dataset.size())

//Add all the images in the dataset to the Map view //////
for(var i = 0; i < 28 ; i++){
  var image = ee.Image(listOfImages.get(i));
  var date = image.get('date')
  Map.addLayer(image, band_viz, ''+date.getInfo())

By attributing a date to each image and displaying them by date, I could visually assess the quality of the images in the collection. The first part of the code adds date as an attribute to all the images in the image collections. The second part displays the images using their date attribute. The output of the code is displayed below. This format of display helped me to gauge the quality of all the images in the collection. This further guided my selection of the suitable images for the pre and post-fires scenarios.

Example of all images displayed in the map view.

With all the images on display, I selected the 13th of February 2023 as the pre-fire image and the 10th of March 2023 as the post-fire image. This approach as in the above display also highlighted if the selected images need to be mosaicked. Mosaicking is joining two or more contiguous satellite images for analysis in order to cover the entire area of interest. Accordingly, I proceeded to convert the images to a list, then selected the required images and mosaicked them.

Selecting Pre-fire image

dataset = dataset.toList(dataset.size())
print(dataset, 'imageCollection')

//mosaic of 13/02/2023 - pre fire image.
var preFire = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(dataset.get(3)),ee.Image(dataset.get(6)),ee.Image(dataset.get(8)),ee.Image(dataset.get(11))])
preFire = (preFire.mosaic()).clip(goa)

Selecting Post-fire image

//mosaic of 10/03/2023 - post fire image.
var postFire = ee.ImageCollection([ee.Image(dataset.get(26)),ee.Image(dataset.get(25)),ee.Image(dataset.get(24)),ee.Image(dataset.get(23))])
postFire = (postFire.mosaic()).clip(goa)

The next step involved calculating Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) for both pre and post-fire images. NBR relies on Near Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR2) reflectance data. Burnt areas exhibit high reflectance in the SWIR2 region and very low reflectance in the NIR region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The NBR is designed to exploit this difference in reflectance along the spectrum. NBR is formulated as follows:

NBR = (NIR - SWIR2) / (NIR + SWIR2)

The NBR was calculated for both pre and post-fire images, using the below code.

Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) Calculation

//Finding Pre and post fire NBR = normalized burn index ratio = NIR-SWR2/NIR+SWIR2
var PreNumer ='B8').subtract('B12'))
var PreDenomin ='B8').add('B12'))
var PreNBR = PreNumer.divide(PreDenomin)

var PostNumer ='B8').subtract('B12'))
var PostDenomin ='B8').add('B12'))
var PostNBR = PostNumer.divide(PostDenomin)

The ensuing step involved determining the difference between pre and post-fire NBR images. The resultant output shows us the extent of burnt area in the region.

Difference between Pre and Post Fire NBR

//Subtracting postNBR fron PreNBR for scar map
var scar =PreNBR.subtract(PostNBR)
var palette = ['1a9850','91cf60','d9ef8b','ffffbf','fee08b','fc8d59', 'd73027']
Map.addLayer(scar, ,'ScarMap')

In subsequent stages, I incorporated the application of a threshold to isolate the scarred regions, which were then vectorized using a mask.

Define thresholds

// Define thresholds
var zones =
zones = zones.updateMask(zones.neq(0));

I chose the thresholds by closely examining pixel values in the scar map using the Inspector Tool in GEE Code Editor interface. The ‘Inspector’ displays the pixel value at the point chosen on the map, for every displayed layer.

Inspector tool highlighted in the screengrab.

The output of the ‘define threshold’ step here was a raster with two values, 1 and 2. By this means, all values less than 0.2 were classified as 1 and while those greater than 0.2 were assigned the value 2. Using the code below, I converted the classified raster to a vector, yielding a downloadable KML file to create a comprehensive map of the affected area.

Reduce to Vector

// Convert the zones of the thresholded scars to vectors.
var vectors = zones.addBands(scar).reduceToVectors({
  geometry: goa,
  //crs: nl2012.projection(),
  scale: 10,
  geometryType: 'polygon',
  eightConnected: false,
  labelProperty: 'zone',
  reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
  bestEffort: true,
  maxPixels: 3784216672400

// Display the thresholds.
Map.setCenter(74.13215, 15.46816, 10);
Map.addLayer(zones, {min: 1, max: 3, palette: ['0000FF', '00FF00', 'FF0000']}, 'raster');

// Make a display image for the vectors, add it to the map.
var display = ee.Image(0).updateMask(0).paint(vectors, '000000', 3);
Map.addLayer(display, {palette: '000000'}, 'vectors');

In summary, employing this method was effective to identify forest fire scars in Goa. The inclusion of  ground points of scarred areas were valuable for ground truthing. Thresholding plays a very important role in delineating scarred areas, and hence ground truth points are helpful. If you’re involved in fire scar mapping, this demonstration could be a beneficial reference. Kindly get in touch via our contact form, if you have any further questions.

Link to the code:

(Note: This code does not include the required shapefiles for the code to work, this is for reference only.) 

When I see an elephant ___

‘When did you last see an elephant?’ Over the course of two days we asked players this question, and heard varied answers that often transformed into captivating tales about their experiences with pachyderms. We were at ATREE’s 25th Anniversary event, and the context for this question was the play-testing for a board-game we’ve created with elephant-human conflict as the theme.

The board game itself was first designed in 2016, with the aim being to emulate human-elephant conflict in India. In 2019, my colleagues Nandini and Shashank worked with Tejaswini N to create the second iteration of the design. The game was play-tested with friends and family in February and March 2020, before the pandemic curtailed any future development. In July 2022, Tejaswani suggested that we apply to play-test the game at a board-game event ATREE was hosting in Bangalore as part of their 25th anniversary celebration. ATREE accepted our application, and we began production.

Prior to producing the physical prototype, Aswathy S and I ran online trials of the game. We set up the play-test online in Figma for over two weeks, with wildlife biologists, ecologists, geographers and even a climate-scientist joining us! While we played to see as many instances of play as possible, one particular game stuck with me. Elephant movement in the game was hindered, and the player had the option to relocate the elephant to the nearest sanctuary. However, the nearest sanctuary was full and was unable to accept the elephant. This quandary prompted a wildlife biologist to remark; ‘… makes one question the true carrying capacity of our sanctuaries.’ 

Screengrab of a play-test online in Figma.

Once we had enough evidence to finalise on a physical prototype, I had it produced in person in Mumbai. It was by a chance that I was able to produce it quicker than expected; the combination of being in Mumbai, and in vicinity of previous contacts capable of delivering a quality-prototype that is easy to engage with.

On 17th August, we set out from Panjim to Bangalore by road. Our route passed through Mollem, another one of India’s various protected areas that’s threatened by fragmentation from linear infrastructure projects. Occurrence of human–wildlife conflict (HWC) increases when humans negatively affect the needs of wildlife or vice versa. It’s a difficult topic to navigate because such conflicts can cause damage to property &/ life. On the other hand, one major cause of human–wildlife conflict is increasing the human population next to wildlife habitats. In this game, players take on the role of villagers who defend their farms and villages from elephant movement through strategic fence placement and a bit of luck.

ATREE’s contribution to the field of conservation is extensive, while also pioneering knowledge systems to tackle complex conservation problems. The opportunity to learn from this room was exhilarating. On day one, we set the table up with our play elements for a brief period in the first half and then hosted a few game-plays during the second half. The first person to approach the table was a gentleman who walked past and then walked back up to enquire what was on the table. His curiosity was piqued after reading the title of the game! After our brief explanation, he spoke about the migration of the elephants in the Uttara Kannada and the consequent fear of spotting a jumbo. We took a break for lunch and then made our way to Dr. Nitin Sekar’s talk on conserving species that cause harm to us. His words on empathy for elephants resonated yet again before we returned to run more sessions with newer participants and conservation enthusiasts.

On the second day, we put out a post on social media inviting people to come play test with us. Before we started the setup, we visited our fellow participants at the board game event. I found a game on implementing local-level policies to reduce carbon emissions by two students of public policy engaging.

In our elephant-human conflict game, the player who plays first is determined by the answer to the question - ‘When did you last see an elephant?’ The participant with the most recent encounter begins the game, and then the game continues clockwise. Our first play-testers were a policy student and research assistant. The mechanics of the game were slightly complex to grasp before the game began, but as the game progressed, our play-testers made clearer strategic movements.

While we ran more sessions on the second day, there were particular instances of game-play that were most fascinating. In my opinion, the most thought-provoking game was the one where the players were a wildlife student, a conservation scientist, a professor of sociology, and a product designer. One of them was a board game enthusiast while for the others, it was the first time they were playing a  strategy game. One was a field practitioner and another was aiming to be one. Lessons were imparted on contextual sociology, game mechanics and idealism. Some of the conversations floating out over the board were - ‘Why do the sanctuaries have to be two hexes apart? No need for defragmentation, push all human development away from them’ or ‘What happens when the elephant is directed away from the board? It’s annihilated / It’s relocated to a sanctuary.’ Decisions made by the participants reflected their principles in ecological practices itself. As the rounds progressed idealism and realism clashed further.

Discussions on game play and context.

The second most fascinating game was when I played with two students of design from IISc. One of them had clear prior experience of human-wildlife conflict and the other participant did not. This was clearly displayed in the manner in which the game was played. One of them prioritised protecting farms and villages, while the other person conducted back-to-back development activities. Strategic play, and some luck, resulted in the person without prior wildlife experience winning the game. Their feedback suggested that we implement a particular model to randomise elephant movement in the game. While there are articles and papers to be read on the topic, the prospect itself is exciting! 

The last game at the event was my favourite one out of all, because it was the first game I had been completely kicked out of! The participants of the game were my friends from Bangalore. One of them was a friend from architecture college who now worked as a UX researcher, another a biotech major I’d met as part of a summer school programme earlier in the year, and the final participant was a pleasant surprise. We had been working together virtually for months, but didn’t recognize each other until our introduction. It was a chance meeting in real-life which was wholesome! The play itself was interesting to me because it clearly portrayed their personalities. There was an attempt to work with the commons, there was an aggressive development bid as well as a plea for a neutral stance, while I watched the game unfold from the sidelines. 

There are enormous gaps in ecological awareness beyond protected areas and lived experiences involving wildlife. I’ve been able to witness the varying conclusions of hypothetical choices, hear the flight or fight choices by humans and elephants alike. The experience of working, producing, and hosting this game has been unlike any other.