Mangar Bani, aravallis

In mid-June 2022, we conducted an Open Data Kit (ODK) training session for Harsana Sunil, a Mud On Boots grantee from the Sanctuary Nature Foundation. We had visited him in Mangar Bani in November 2021 and were impressed by his conservation impact. He works towards the long-term protection of the Mangar Bani sacred grove, generating information about its biodiversity and raising awareness among urban and rural youth. The training aimed to enhance his data collection on the forest’s biodiversity.


Mapping Lantana, Nigilris

In March 2022, our field season took us to the Nilgiris, where we connected with conservation actors from The Shola Trust and WWF-India. We explored the use of drones to monitor lantana invasions in wildlife corridors and survey wildlife in remote areas. Additionally, we conducted capacity-building training for The Shola Trust.


Marine Stranding Map, Goa

We provided data visualization and analysis services to the Ocean Watch network on a voluntary basis and created annual maps of stranding data collected by first responders for the period between 2017 to 2022. This included a spatial representation of reported marine stranding incidents (turtles and cetaceans) along Goa’s coastline, featuring an interactive stranding map with a time slider.