Mapping the COVID-19 lockdown in Goa (March - April 2020)


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lockdown was imposed in Goa in March and April 2019. The sudden lack of access to food, supplies and medication had a severe impact on the most vulnerable sections of the community, in response to which a volunteer movement sprung into action. Across Goa, numerous groups coordinated the delivery of food, medicine and other assistance, and a volunteer-run helpline, organised by the team at Sensible Earth, processed requests. We’ve been assisting them with processing, analysing and visualising this dataset, Our aims are to assist with advocacy and communication efforts that will help build structural resilience in the face of future crises.


Other than the live webmap above, which was built using ArcGIS Online, we created a few static maps for use in presentations and on social media channels.